Best Day Care and Preschool 2020

I’ve had the pleasure of writing this blog before! LANK was once again voted best/ favorite preschool in Northern Virginia Magazine’s 2020 online reader poll. It always delights us to read and share the email:
"It is with sincere pleasure, on behalf of everyone at Northern Virginia Magazine, that I congratulate you on being named one of the Best Day Cares & Preschools in Northern Virginia Magazine’s Best Day Cares & Preschools 2020 reader poll. The results of the poll will appear in our August issue, which has a special Kids and Families theme."
While we have been bestowed with this honor before, this year might be one that best speaks to our community spirit and strength. In the past when I’ve written about this honor I’ve focused on all the wonderful activities and events happening in real time because there are so many! But this year, voting had to take place during a global pandemic; and the question begged to be asked; would our community feel compelled to vote when our school year was shortened? In this blog I will repeat some of the reasons previously cited for why LANK is the very best place for young preschoolers to learn. They include: our beautiful heavily wooded playground, our history and commitment to the community, our large sunlit classroom spaces, the focus on playful, hands-on learning experiences ensuring that each child feels valued, and of course, our dedicated staff. But this year there is one other reason that we have always been Reston’s most treasured preschool.
The good will of our parents! This is undeniably the most important reason for such an honor. Our parents care passionately about the school, even during a global pandemic. Parents are still working, meeting, visiting (virtually of course!) and communicating with teachers, directors and each other while school is closed. Their expressions of how much their children miss LANK speaks volumes about why such an award would be bestowed for the third consecutive year.
At LANK we are busy making plans for next year; writing frameworks for various possibilities. We are unsure exactly how schools will be affected by the Coronavirus pandemic in the fall. However, we are certain about our community and their response during adversity Lake Anne Nursery Kindergarten is the 2020 winner of best preschools in Northern Virginia in the opinion of the people we care most about, and whose opinion will continue to guide us in the important job of nurturing little children.