A Heartfelt Goodbye

I love May, as the month can usually be counted on to yield warm temperatures, green lawns and colorful flowers. But beyond the seasonal changes that occur in May, the month is also the harbinger of new beginnings and thus, a time to also bid farewells. Whenever I recall May, my mind plays back memories of spring cleaning, finishing up a school year, weddings, graduations, and for educators the all-important teacher appreciation week. I must confess as I sat down to write this month’s blog, May provided me with far too many choices. I struggled because I so wanted to write a blog on childhood memory (I will do so next year!) or perhaps focus on ways we can incorporate appreciating our teachers naturally throughout the year. I also thought parents might appreciate my sharing a blog on summer weekend getaways for children.
Instead, I settled on the very difficult task of saying goodbye. We loved sharing this year with each and every one of you. For those moving onto kindergarten or moving to a new state, we are acutely aware that life will take you in a different direction now which makes our goodbye more onerous. In September, when the year was new and unfolding, I wrote a blog that asked parents to pack their child’s backpack with positivity, consistency, and choice. As we say goodbye, I would like to add to those ingredients. Please accept heaps of love, boundless good thoughts, oodles of caring, prideful anticipation and hopefulness, our gratitude, and a myriad of wonderful, colorful memories. At the risk of getting overly sentimental, we will sum up our goodbye by saying you will be deeply missed!