5 Things To Look For In A Top Preschool In Reston
Shortly after the busy holiday season, LANK will ramp up its open house tours and begin to think ahead to the following 2018-2019 school year. For parents, this is a time to consider various preschool programs and choose the one that is a “best fit” for their child. I think decisions that concern the welfare of our children are often the most difficult, so I am offering this list as a way to clarify what is truly important in looking for a preschool or kindergarten program. At Lake Anne Nursery Kindergarten we meet and exceed those expectations. See the “five top things to look for” list below to help guide you in making this all-important choice.

1. Staff and Directors
This should be a top priority when comparing schools. At LANK our teachers and directors have a long history at the school which signals commitment, loyalty and happiness. That happiness is then conveyed to your children. I think this is probably one of the most important factors when looking at a school; do the teachers like what they are doing, and is this joy imparted to the children? At LANK this is unequivocally true.

2. Community Some of you may be familiar with the LANK bear. The magnet adorns many cars driving around Reston and neighboring communities. To those of us already at LANK, it signifies our close knit community with a rich history. A child’s school should encourage a sense of belonging, and be a secure place that encourages participation, inclusion, and togetherness. There are some schools that are basically drop-offs, but at LANK there are many opportunities for parents to become involved and for children to realize the partnership between school and home. Our PTO is very active and parents often share their unique talents with the school at large. But, we also just love to have parents and relatives read a story, drop by for a visit, or enjoy a snack!

3. Environment
Our setting is beautiful. We often boast about our gorgeous wooded playground and open, light-filled space. But we are not just boasting; studies have shown that children thrive in settings that include natural light and open spaces without confinement. Our walls are adorned with children’s work, and there are spaces in each area that are designated for small group work, play and quiet time. We feel confident that we provide just the right space for play and learning.

4. Philosophy
Any parent looking for a preschool can become dizzy from the wide array of programs, curriculums, and choices that schools advertise. But a school should be able to articulate their guiding principles when it comes to early childhood education. At LANK, we believe in a well-balanced program that is playful and integrates learning across the disciplines. We take an unhurried approach and make sure that what we are doing is developmentally sound. But most importantly, we strive to make every child feel valued and loved for their unique capabilities.
5. Communication
Solid relationships are built on good communication. The LANK staff communicates weekly with parents, and also provides several conferences throughout the school year. Our school website, email, social media accounts, and PTO “Thursday Thoughts” are all wonderful vehicles to stay abreast of school happenings and news. But, more importantly our open door policy means that we are eager to hear from you. Our directors and staff feel a closeness to all our families, and care about what you say and how you feel.
We are eager to begin showing off our school. In fact our first open house is this week! We hope our current families spread the word about all LANK has to offer, and for those new to the preschool search, please consider these five important factors when making this all-important choice.
