A Good Book Goes a Long Way!

There are few things in life that can do as much for the mind and spirit than a good book. Educators frequently cite the benefits of reading to young children. Some of the benefits include:better communications skills, logical thinking, acquisition of knowledge, problem solving, attentiveness, imagination, and inspiration of both values and ideas. Each of us probably has a childhood book favorite that evokes a special memory. For me, it is the classic Charlotte’s Web, by E.B. White. I read the book in the third grade, and can still remember how personally connected I felt to the main characters; Wilbur and Charlotte. After reading the book, I valued friendship in a new way, and gained a deeper understanding and respect about the cycle of life.
At LANK, teachers read stories daily as a way of connecting with their students. A book serves as the perfect backdrop for dramatizing or trying out a silly character voice. Books inspire us to think, feel and experience the world without ever leaving our chair, couch or classroom. I’ve watched our teachers artfully weave concepts and new learning through an author’s words and illustrator’s drawings. Next week at school our little ones will pay homage to beloved authors by delving into a flagship unit that celebrates reading. Lucky for us, we have three special visitors coming to LANK to share their expertise and allow our students to experience books in the most meaningful way. 1. Rebecca Cohen Rebecca Cohen author of PJ’s Backyard Adventures will share her love of the natural world with all LANK classes today. Rebecca’s visit coincides beautifully with LANK’s focus on learning through nature.
2. Christy Barcus Our second author visit is scheduled for Tuesday, February 1st when former LANK parent, Christy Barcus will take us on a bird tour by sharing the Angry Birds companion book entitled Red’s Big Adventure. Christy works for National Geographic, and will also fit in perfectly with our nature focus.
3. Jill Vinson Lastly, our classes will benefit from learning a bit about the role of an illustrator when another LANK alum, Jill Vinson brings her book Reston A to Z to our classrooms. How wonderful for the children to know their own community through Jill’s beautiful illustrations.
Enjoy reinforcing your child’s love for books at home, through their classroom activities, and by discussing the visits of our special guests in the coming weeks.