Introducing Bears & Cubs...A New Program for 18-24 Month Old Students

Most of us are familiar with the proverbial “mama bear” image and the quotes that often accompany that vision. Bears are interesting animals; highly intelligent and curious. Like other intelligent animals, many of their behaviors are learned as opposed to instinctual. When a mama bear has cubs she keeps them close for the first 17 months of life while undertaking the tasks of grooming, nursing, playing, defending, and sleeping together. At the same time, mama bear is really preparing the cubs to leave her and strike out on their own.
Here at LANK we are excited to prepare each of our little cubs too! We want to model, nurture, and scaffold preschool expectations to make your child’s journey as seamless as possible. It is in that spirit that we created our newest class for 18-24 month old students. Bears & Cubs begins mid-October 2016, and serves as an introduction to playing, exploring, and learning in a group setting. Best of all, this will be done with the guidance of a loving teacher, and watchful eye of a parent/caregiver. Our goal, (similar to that of mama bear) is to allow your child to explore the joys of school without leaving your side; and eventually to prepare your little one with confidence when starting preschool.
Please contact the school office at 703-437-0035 for more information regarding this exciting new opportunity at our school!