The Power of a Handwritten Note
Our children are growing up in a technological age filled with tweets, texts, Snapchats, emails, and yes, blogs! Although this quick speak has advantages, they are no substitute for a handwritten note. Who doesn’t remember the excitement of having a pen-pal or running to the mailbox to retrieve a letter from a friend that moved away?
By now each of you has received a postcard welcoming your family to LANK and wishing your precious child(ren) a year of happiness. While email and blogs are the perfect way to reach the masses, at LANK we want your children to know the joy of a letter addressed to them. We want them to see someone’s handwriting, and realize it was meant just for them. Most importantly, we know that a handwritten note is the most perfect way to convey complete thoughts and real meaning.
My own special notes from parents, children and family are kept in a well-worn shoe box. I take these treasures out from time to time to re-read them and re-visit my relationship with each writer. I feel so fortunate to have these little pieces of my own history stored forever in my shoe box.
I wish the same treasures for your children; may this first school postcard be the start of a valued tradition in your home.