Director's Desk - February

Hearts and flowers February is one of our favorite months at LANK. It won’t surprise you to hear that it has nothing to do with the weather, which as we all know can be very fickle and certainly full of surprises. It does however have much to do with the annual Book Fair! From the moment those big boxes of shiny new books are rolled through the door, we are enchanted by the selection, the art, the stories, the smell—the sheer love of reading is everywhere. Please join us in the multi-purpose room Tuesday through Friday, February 9th thru 12th to browse the collection and maybe pick up a title or two for your home library. Expert opinions come and go—but there is one thing everyone agrees about--the single best and easiest thing you can do with your children is read, read, read to them. Snuggled up together sharing a great story promotes a love of literature, opens wider worlds, and builds vocabulary and this doesn’t even begin to touch on the emotional warmth and security that this experience provides. We hope you like our Book Fair too and look forward to seeing you there.